Crit with Sam Leutton

My first experience of a crit was with Sam Leutton of Leutton Postle. I was nervous but at the same time quite excited to present my ideas and the samples that I had worked really hard on over the fortnight of sampling time that was allotted.

I knew that the crit would be a chance to explain my choices of yarn, stitch quality and colour palette. However, when I came to do so, I felt like the positive aspects of the samples were overlooked. I am completely aware that crits are meant to deliver critique but I feel that the critique should be constructive and that positive points should also be touched upon. I felt that Sam seemed slightly aloof and uninterested throughout the whole of my presentation and the feedback I did receive was very much the same.

I left the crit feeling as though I had not really gained anything from the experience and felt pretty deflated and was left doubting my abilities. I knew that my speed at developing samples had improved and I know that there were aspects of the samples that did work well but I felt like all the effort that was put into them was not really noticed.

I have enjoyed working to a client specific brief and pushing myself out of my comfort zone by using varied bright colours and unusual textures and this may encourage me to be brave when choosing colours in the future.

I want to take these positives away from the experience as a whole and try and move on from the crit as I didn't find it useful or encouraging.

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