It has been quite difficult to balance the time between the two projects, however throughout the year, we have had a number of tasks to juggle at any one time and it does appear to be getting slightly easier over time.
The pitch came round quickly and meant that we developed a large body of work in quite a short space of time. Beth and I felt that it would be best to organise our work into boards and present this in a slideshow. These could then be printed and handed in for our assessment and marked accordingly.
Our boards have covered everything from our initial influences and inspirations, through to a consumer profile, competitor research, boards of our test shoot images and mock ups of our images being used for an ecommerce campaign and other specially designed square images(to avoid cropping) to be used on Instagram, an important marketing tool used by Rianna.
I feel like producing such work could give us the edge against our fellow students. It considers important factors and visually represents how our work could potentially look, if we are chosen to go any further. Overall, the pitch appeared to go well. Me and Beth spoke confidently about our ideas and answered any questions that the client had.
The importance of social media (particularly Instagram) in self promotion for designers and makers is on the increase. Rianna Phillips has acquired both customers and stockists through Instagram, providing free business promotion that has a wide reach to many.

This was especially exciting for me and Beth when Rianna included snipets of our work on her Instagram account. It made us feel positively about the ideas that we had produced and meant that the client felt confidently enough about our ideas to post them to her customers, stockists and fellow designers.
It is now a waiting game, to see who Rianna will decide she would like to work with in creating her lookbook. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Beth on an exciting brief that could potentially lead to some valuable experience.
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