Smoke photography.

I decided to try and photograph smoke and develop a starting point for my practical from this. I don't think I realised how difficult that this would actually be.

I set up a mini-studio situation in my living area, providing a dark backdrop and angular lighting. I decided to use an insense stick as this provides constant plumes of smoke that are quite thick, much thicker than the smoke that is created when blowing out a matchstick or candle.

Technically, the photographs were difficult to capture for a number of reasons. The constant movement of the plumes of smoke meant that a fast shutter speed needed to be set on my DSLR. Aperture also needed to be adjusted accordingly. For a full breakdown of technique, see technical file.

I also discovered that by refrigerating a glass and allowing the smoke to fill it, it thickens it dramatically, giving it a viscous liquid appearance that is easier to photograph and is much more dramatic and obvious, perhaps not the right look if I want a more subtle photograph.

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