I decided to take the shapes that I had made, and hang them like a decorative mobile. I then sat and waited for the sun to set in my bedroom. The natural sunlight eventually flooded the room and then I took the chance to hang the makeshift mobile and photograph the imagery that it cast on the wall.
I have achieved the mark that I wanted to by using this particular technique. The fuzzy and quite hairy mark slightly distorts the letters and I like the way that the mobile technique means that the letters are quite free and fluid, in fact I'd quite like to video the way that they move and spin and how the shapes change with movement. That may be the next job on my list but I'd also like to play with what else I could do with the letters and how far they can be pushed in terms of versatility. I could change the colours, the scale and take them to the extremes - absolutely huge letters sitting alongside tiny single strand letters.
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