
I feel as though I haven't really stopped this weekend and I have thrown myself into the make of the final piece as time really is of the essence.

I intend to go and see my course leader on Monday morning to talk to her about my exclusion from the group and discuss arranging an alternate venue to show my work. I also want to just speak to someone who will understand the issues surrounding creative practice, both individually and as part of a group.

Anyway, in the meantime, I had made my letters using pva glue and thread (see left)and then needed to attach these to the invisible thread that I had purchased with the intention of hanging them from.

Hanging these letters was going to present itself with even more difficulties. I was struggling with the logistics of attaching the letters without all of the threads being tangled and becoming knotted together. This has proven to be quite an annoyance. 

I had to overcome this. So I decided to hang the hoop from the ceiling of my flat and attach the letters in the ways in which they will hang when the final piece has been completed. This seemed to make much more sense that then original method that I have been using and would allow me to hang them with much more ease than previously.

The image (right) shows me glue gunning each and every single letter to very thin invisi-thread in sequence. This had proven to be a very time consuming and quite difficult task.

Making the letters alone had taken around 10 hours. Suspending the letters had taken approximately a further 8 hours. This time does not include the time it has taken to plan, measure and prepare the hoop and threads. This task has been ginormous but I think that the effort that has been put into the piece is reflected in it's appearance- which I really am glad of.

I need to visit the venue tomorrow in order to see where I am going to hang the sculptural hanging.

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