I wanted to first do this by drawing but thought that a target of 175 pieces was unrealistic at best and impossible at worse so I re-thought and came up with using the number 13 (see left)
I took the individual numbers, 1, 7 and 5 and added them together to reach 13 and decided to work with this smaller number instead.
I quite like the style of my drawings in these images on this post. I have been very reserved in terms of colour as a pallette is still questionable within the group, therefore I felt it best to stick to using the stark white pages with fine liner and pencil and introduce colour at a later stage.
I like my use of mark making and I have been quite controlled and considered, sticking to dotted and quite linear marks, however I feel as though it is quite limited- but only a small starter point.
In the image (right) I started to look at shredding and the different widths that the paper can be cut at and cross shredding. I wanted to represent this visually rather than actually cutting the paper- thus sticking to dotted and broken lines.
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